This week, Apple unveiled a range of new AI features for its phones, prompting concerns from Elon Musk about potential security breaches.

Last month, Microsoft raised alarms with a feature that takes screenshots of users’ laptops at regular intervals.

With such advanced technology now ubiquitous in our homes and pockets, the question arises: should we be worried about our privacy and how our personal data is utilized?

Vonny Gamot, EMEA head at cybersecurity firm McAfee, acknowledges the transformative power of technology while emphasizing the importance of cautious usage.

“Technology is undoubtedly beneficial. It has driven progress in ways unimaginable before. However, our concern lies in how this technology can be exploited,” she explains.

Gamot points out that AI, while a powerful tool, can be manipulated by malicious actors for scams or unauthorized data harvesting.

“It’s not just scammers who are interested in our information. Advertisers and other entities also seek to utilize our data, often to train artificial intelligence,” she adds.

For those concerned about safeguarding their data and privacy, experts offer practical advice:

Review Phone Settings: Gamot suggests starting with your phone settings. Check which apps have access to your microphone, camera, files, and location. Disable permissions for apps you don’t trust or need.

Read Terms and Conditions: Conor McCaffrey from Securiti Sciences Limited advises reading and understanding what you’re agreeing to when browsing online. Don’t hesitate to adjust permissions or reject terms if you’re uncomfortable with them.

Minimize Data Sharing: Consider the necessity of sharing personal information. Question whether providing details like email, address, or passport numbers is truly essential in every situation.

Evaluate App Worth: McCaffrey urges caution with free apps that may exploit personal data for profit. Assess whether the benefits of an app justify the risks associated with sharing your data.

In essence, while embracing the conveniences of technology, it’s crucial to remain vigilant about protecting your privacy. Awareness and informed decision-making are key to mitigating risks in our increasingly interconnected digital world.