What are UK political parties offering to voters?

Britain’s political parties are unveiling their manifestos ahead of the national election on July 4, outlining their policies and financial plans to attract voters.

Here’s a summary of major party positions:

Reform, a new right-wing party, will release its manifesto on Monday.


Conservatives – Focus on tax cuts to stimulate economic growth while reducing borrowing and debt.

Labour – Emphasizes wealth creation, supporting both businesses and workers with a new industrial strategy.

Liberal Democrats – Advocate for closer ties with the European Union and an industrial strategy centered on renewables and other sectors.

Green – Proposes increased taxes for the wealthy, expanded healthcare investment, and renationalization of railways, energy companies, and water providers.


Conservatives – Plan a 17.2 billion pounds annual tax cut by 2029/30, including a 2-percentage-point reduction in National Insurance and exemptions for self-employed workers.

Labour – Commits not to raise taxes for working people, maintaining current income tax, National Insurance, and VAT rates, while capping corporation tax at 25%.

LibDems – Priority on raising the personal allowance and reforming capital gains tax to generate around 5 billion pounds.

Green – Proposes a wealth tax on individuals with assets exceeding 10 million pounds.


Conservatives – Promise above-inflation NHS funding increases annually, with plans to recruit 92,000 nurses and 28,000 doctors.

Labour – Plans to reduce waiting times with 40,000 additional weekly appointments and a doubling of cancer scanners.

LibDems – Commit to a 9 billion pound package, including more community doctors and higher pay for care workers.

Green – Proposes an initial 8 billion pounds increase in NHS funding, rising to 28 billion by 2030.


Conservatives – Aim to raise defence spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2030.

Labour – Sets out a path to achieve the same 2.5% target.

LibDems – Plan annual increases in defence spending, aspiring to meet or exceed 2.5% of GDP.

Green – Advocates cancelling Britain’s nuclear deterrent.


Conservatives – Propose a binding cap on legal migration and controversial plans for monthly flights transferring migrants arriving by small boats to Rwanda.

Labour – Seeks to reform the points-based system, with visa restrictions and increased training for domestic workers. Opposes the Rwanda plan, focusing on combating smuggling and enhancing border security.

LibDems – Aim to combat people smuggling, lift asylum seekers’ work bans, and scrap the Rwanda scheme.

Green – Supports migrant integration, eliminating income requirements for work visa holders and establishing safe routes for those fleeing persecution.


Conservatives – Intend to strengthen post-Brexit ties with Europe, including new defence agreements.

Labour – Aims to reset and enhance relations with Europe.

LibDems – Pledge to mend UK-EU relations and aim for eventual single market membership, with EU re-entry as a longer-term goal.

Green – Advocates swift re-entry into the European Union.


Conservatives – Focus on reducing costs associated with climate change while maintaining the 2050 net zero target. Plans to triple offshore wind capacity, scale up nuclear power with Small Modular Reactors, and avoid new green levies.

Labour – Targets clean energy by 2030 through substantial increases in wind and solar power. Proposes a state-owned Great British Energy and opposes new oil and gas field licenses in the North Sea.

LibDems – Commit to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

Green – Seeks to halt all new fossil fuel extraction in the UK, phase out nuclear power, and expand wind and solar energy.


Conservatives – Promise to protect per-pupil spending, ban mobile phones during school hours, and introduce an “Advanced British Standard” for 16-19 year-olds. Propose compulsory National Service for 18-year-olds.

Labour – Proposes recruiting 6,500 new teachers, establishing 3,000 primary school nurseries, and providing free breakfast clubs in every primary school.

LibDems – Plan to place mental health professionals in every school, increase funding, and offer lifelong skills grants for education and training.

Green – Calls for a 2 billion pound salary increase for teachers and abolition of university undergraduate tuition fees.

($1 = 0.7823 pounds)

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