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Polynomial Long Division Calculator


A polynomial is a type of expression. Polynomials can be considered a dialect of mathematics. They are crucial tools for expressing numerical data in nearly every discipline of mathematics, including calculus. 2x + 9 and x2 + 3x + 11 are examples of polynomials. As you may have noticed, there is no use of the “=” sign in any of these examples. This article will help you better grasp polynomials and use the Polynomial division calculator.

What is an Algebraic Expression and Its Solutions Using Long Division Polynomial Calculator:

It is an expression in mathematics that uses algebraic operations, variables and constants to generate an algebraic expression (addition, subtraction, etc.). Expressions are constructed from terms. Using letters or alphabets in place of integers in an algebraic equation allows numbers to be expressed without revealing their true values. When learning the principles of algebra, we learned how to use letters like x, y, and z to represent unknown values. The use of variables refers to the letters. An algebraic expression can include variables and constants. When a variable is multiplied by a number, the result is a coefficient. This procedure might be difficult for you if you are not good at doing maths. So, using a long division polynomials calculator would be a great help for you.


To understand polynomials, we must first grasp expressions. What exactly is a phrase? A mathematical expression does not include an equal sign (=). When discussing polynomials, it is important to note that the exponents of a polynomial are all whole numbers. As an illustration, consider the following scenario: It’s a three-two-five. The polynomial in the preceding paragraph contains some key terms. The variable, in this case, is x. One of the rarest cases of trigonometric multiplication is three times two. This variable is referred to as a “coefficient” by us. The constant is the name given to it. There’s twice as much power with the variable x. In a polynomial, the powers of the variables can never be negative.

Degrees of Polynomials

Please understand that this “degree” has nothing to do with the certification you gained by successfully finishing your course or the degree you earned from your thermometer. With the term “degree” connected to polynomials, a fundamental part of mathematics has been given new meaning. Let’s get started straight away and study all we can learn about the degree of polynomials and how to get it by Polynomial division calculator.

Polynomial in One Variable

The polynomial degree of a single variable is the algebraic expression’s most powerful feature. A good example of this type of equation would be x2+2x+4. The equation has a degree of two because there are two variables in it.

Multivariable Polynomial

The formula for a multivariable polynomial has the highest sum of powers of various variables in any of the terms. X5+3x4y+2xy3+4y2-2y+1 is a good example of this kind of calculation. In the terms x5y and x4y, which have degrees of 5 and 4+1, respectively, you can see that the polynomial has a degree of 5. These terms are ranked from 1 to 5, with five being the highest. It is possible to have r and s be integers in an axrys polynomial, which is the algebraic sum of multiple terms of the preceding form. This is a two-variable polynomial. The polynomial degree is r+s if r and s are integers.

How to Find a Degree of Polynomial?

A polynomial degree can be calculated by following four simple steps:

Example: 6×5+8×3+3×5+3×2+4+2x+4

Step 1: This is the initial phase to merge all of the variable terms into one term.


Step 2: ignore all the coefficients


Step 3: The variables are then arranged by descending order of their power.


Step 4: The degree of a polynomial is the largest power of the variable.

Deg(x5+x3+x2+x+x0) = 5

Classification of Polynomial By Degree of Equation

Depending on the degree, a linear, quadratic, cubic or bi-quadratic equation is possible.

Equation name Degree of equation
Linear Equation 1
Quadratic Equation 2
Cubic Equation 3
Bi-Quadratic equation 4

Different Types of Polynomial:

In addition to the use of algebraic operations, it is composed of a number of variables and constants. Three basic polynomial types each have their own unique characteristics.


In algebra, a monomial is an expression with only one nonzero number. Monopolar polynomials, like binomials and trinomials, have only one term, a nonzero number. Addition, subtraction and multiplication operations can all be completed in a single word

A monomial expression consists of the following:

  • Monomial expressions have variables as their constituent letters.
  • The coefficient in an equation is the number that comes before or is multiplied by a variable.
  • The alphabet letters and the exponent values are included in the literal component.


5m2n is a monomial in two variables, m and n.

-7pq is a monomial in two variables, p and q.


There are two nonzero terms in a binomial algebraic expression. As a result, the nonzero non-negative integers (m) and (n) and the numbers a and b can be used to represent them. Binomial equations are those with one or more binomial terms in the equation.

There are only a few basic binomial operations.

  • Factorization
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Adding n digits to the decimal place
  • A change in the binomial order.


-11p – q2 is a binomial in two variables p and q.

M + n is a binomial in two variables m and n.


  • Trinomial

A trinomial is an algebraic expression that is not equal to zero if it contains three nonzero terms and more than one variable. Just as with two-term polynomials, a trinomial has three terms. The following are examples of trinomial expressions:


X + y + z is a trinomial in three variables x, y and z.

2a2 + 5a + 7 is a trinomial in one variable a.

Difference Between Constant Polynomial & Zero Polynomial 

The constant polynomial has zero coefficient. An additive identity (P(x)=0), by definition, is the zero polynomial. Polynomials with constant coefficients and polynomials with zero coefficients have no degree. At zero, a “constant polynomial” has a constant coefficient. For example, zeros in the polynomial x2–3x+2 include 1 and 2. The zeros are referred to as “roots” in discussions of polynomials. There is a unique zero multiset for each polynomial. The zeros of a polynomial, up to a fixed scaling factor, are its only distinguishing qualities.

Because they are all zeros, “zero polynomials” are referred to as such. In this case, the function coefficients are all zero; hence it is a constant function. 0+0x+0x2+0x3 is the formula for this polynomial. However, its degree is unknown, making it a little strange. The term “zero polynomials’ ‘ refers to polynomials of degree zero, while the term “zero-degree polynomials” refers to ones with degree one. When x is substituted with any value, the “zeroes” in the zero polynomial are all numbers. An online Polynomial division calculator helps us find coefficients and remainders.

Constant Polynomial

Polynomials that produce the same value no matter how many times they are evaluated are referred to as constant polynomials. The degree of a polynomial is the number of terms in the polynomial. To put it another way, the constant polynomial has no degree.

For instance: f(x) = 6, g(x) = -22 , h(y) = 5/2 is an example of constant polynomials. Usually f(x) = c is a constant polynomial. The constant polynomial 0 or f(x) = 0 is known as the zero polynomial. 

Is zero polynomial constant?

For any constant value, a zero polynomial can be applied. All nonzero terms are omitted; hence there is no degree. Therefore, the extent to which it exists tends to be unclear.

Zero Polynomial

All of the constant polynomial’s coefficients. Constant functions can be represented by a zero map, a polynomial of value zero. In the additive polynomial group, there are no zero polynomials.

For a polynomial P(x), the number k is known as zero of polynomial P(x) if P(k) = 0. Hence, 1 and 2 are called the zeros of polynomials x 2 – 3x + 2.

What is Dividing Polynomials?

A polynomial is a type of algebraic expression that contains a variable and its corresponding coefficient. Here’s how things are done: To get 17, multiply by 2. Polynomials have three terms, which are arranged in ascending degree order. In order of importance, term degrees are listed. The polynomial division is an algorithm for resolving rational numbers representing polynomials split by monomials or polynomials of the same class. Divisor and dividend are placed in the same order for simple division. Using this example, we could say it like this: Divide by 6x – 25 = 5×2 + 7x + 25. Along with manual methods and an online Polynomial division calculator, divide Algebraic terms for you within fractions of seconds.

Different Ways to Divide Polynomial 

Divide polynomials with monomials

There are two ways to divide polynomials by monomials. One technique separates the “+” and “-“ operator marks. So, we break down the polynomial into its component parts one by one and work our way through them one by one. A simple factorization and additional integer reduction can also be used to accomplish this. 

Splitting the Terms 

Divide each polynomial term into two pieces (‘+’ or ‘-‘) separated by the operator. 4×2 – – 6x can be solved using this way (2x). A common denominator and numerator are [(4×2) / (2x)] – [(6x) / (2x)] in both formulations. If we eliminate the term “2x” from the numerator and denominator, the solution is 2x – 3.

Factoring Process

When splitting polynomials, finding a common factor between the numerator and denominator may be necessary. For example, when solving a problem, take the square root of it. Exponentiation: Two times four times two equals two times four. The numerator and denominator share a common factor of 2x. Thus, the formula is 2x(x + 2) / 2x. If we eliminate 2x from the equation, we get x+2 as the answer.

Polynomial Division Using Binomials

The long division method can be used to divide polynomials by binomials or any other polynomial. If the numerator and denominator share no common factors or cannot be discovered, the long division approach can be used.

Polynomial Division with Long Division

The algorithm for splitting polynomials by binomials will be illustrated with an example. To find the answer, use the square root of three as a general rule of thumb. The divisor is (x – 3), and the dividend is (4×2 – 5x – 21). The Polynomial long division calculator can help you do so.

Step by step division of polynomial with binomial

Step 1: You must divide 4×2 by 1 as the first term to acquire the quotient’s first term (4x).

Step 2: The divisor must be written below the dividend to properly decompose the quotient (4×2 – 12x).

Step 3: Subtract 7x – 21 to get a new polynomial.

Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 with the new polynomial created by subtracting the previous one.

When we divide polynomials by binomials, we obtain 4x+7, and the remainder is 0 when we do so

How to Calculate Polynomial By Long Division?

Polynomial long division calculator demonstrates how long polynomial division can be performed. Enter the equation in the field below and press the calculate button to speed up your computations.

Many people struggle with polynomial division calculations. Here’s the solution to your difficulty. This approach simplifies the process of performing long polynomial division. Use our Polynomial long division calculator to speed up your computations once you understand the concept. Our calculator performs long polynomial division and displays the answers in a flash, along with all the computations that went into them.

The division of two polynomials can be calculated using the polynomial long division method, or we can help you instantly with our Polynomial division calculator. Polynomial expressions of equal or lower degrees can be divided using the expanded form of the long division method. Polynomial long division is a common technique for decomposing a complicated polynomial.

Steps to Divide Two Polynomials Using the Polynomial Long Division Method 

If you want to divide two long polynomials, you can use the Polynomial Long Division method following these simple steps. Steps to complete this project are outlined below:

  • To write down the numerator, you must put a “before the denominator.
  • Both polynomials’ “higher-order” terms arrive first.
  • Begin partitioning your data as soon as you have it.
  • The first term of dividend divided by the first divisor term will give you the answer.
  • Divide the numerator by the denominator to get the result.
  • Subtract from a polynomial to create a new one.
  • Repeat Steps 4 and 6 using the new polynomial.
  • You’ll be done after you have the quotient and its remainder, assuming it is not zero.
  • Using our free and easy-to-understand Polynomial long division calculator, you may quickly and easily execute any type of algebraic calculation.

How does the Polynomial Long Division Calculator Work?

An online Remainder calculator providing an answer can be used to divide two polynomials in this manner:

  • Input

Make sure to fill in both the divisor and the dividend boxes given on the site.

Now Tap the calculate button.

  • Output

Polynomial Long Division Calculator with steps first display the numbers in a certain format of extracted values.

Then it gives a table with the coefficients, quotients, and remainder of the polynomial.


Polynomials are made up of variables raised to integer powers that are not zero. The higher the polynomial degree, the more powerful the variables in the equation are. Two leading terms and two leading coefficients are the terms with the highest degree and a leading coefficient. Many fields of mathematics rely heavily on the study of polynomials. This means that understanding polynomials is essential. There are many advantages to using polynomials, though. For example, factoring polynomials teaches students how to deconstruct a problem. The use of a step-by-step dividing Polynomial long division calculator can be helpful since it breaks down tough division issues into smaller, more manageable tasks.